That Environmental Conservation Platform Called Lindungi Hutan

That Environmental Conservation Platform Called Lindungi Hutan

30 Nov 2021

Three years ago, anxiety had arisen after a small interaction with the north of Semarang City local farmers that live in poor condition because of the annual coastal flood. Emerged an idea of building a fundraising platform (platform penggalangan dana) that focuses on planting activity as an environmental conservation effort and improving the standard of living of seed farmers had developed. This platform is called LindungiHutan.

Three young men from Semarang City believed that environmental issues not only revolved from money, coastal flood, and flood. So the idea of building the platform began to be voiced. LindungiHutan took the initiative by started to help fund farmers for a better standard of living. As well as educate society about the importance of planting trees and settle environmental issues that are in line with the implementation. 

The first campaign was launched with a donation of 2.113 trees and involved 34 reforestation volunteers. At the same time, we took the momentum of the premiere launch of our website as a forum for users to voice the issues of environmental damage in their area.

That Environment Conservation Platform is called LindungiHutan

Company Social Responsibility is Easier with Ecolify!

Having visions and missions, starting from planting most of the forest area for conservation, enlightening society on the importance of preserving the wood, protecting the ecosystem, to revitalizing damaged forests, appeared convenient and sustainable value. We aim to help every social class to be able to contribute to environmental conservation conveniently, as well as preserving the sustainability of nature that the community carries. Not only plant the seed but also manage and supervise the outcome. Moreover, LindungiHutan desires to be a pioneer of a digital forest so that the user can comfortably monitor the campaign they made or planting events they volunteer in. 

Read Also: Mengapa Kita Harus me-Rawat Bumi?

The second phase of expansion gathered eight people from diverse backgrounds but had the same goal. They educated people to be alert and concern about current environmental issues and the advantage of early environmental care activities. Followed by Product Bundling as one of the marketing strategies, LindungiHutan promotes various interesting products and arranged them along with the value of the number of trees obtained by purchasing these products. Furthermore, we created a campaign named #JadiGini..., which was a campaign to expand the reforestation message from one user to another.

Fast forward to March 2018, based on the decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. C.AHU-0003033.AH.01.04 Th.2018 about Ratification Establishment Legal Entity, LindungiHutan is officially a legal entity in the form of Yayasan Lindungi Hutan. We did this so that every campaign created can be accountable. Therefore future users will trust us and be assured that all the funds are 100% used for environmental conservation needs.

Read Also: Teknologi Pemantauan Hutan Indonesia

The Present and Future of LindungiHutan

Up until now, all work programs initiated by LindungiHutan have focused on fundraising, planting, gathering volunteers, and monitoring the results. RawatBumi, HutanMerdeka, HarapanHutan, including other campaigns from Sahabat Alam, is expected to increase public awareness in Indonesia upon environmental issues which are more and more unsettling for this earth.

Through, users can create a campaign for their city or any area with environmental degradation. Users will be able to support campaigns they are interested in by donating. They also can promote Eco-living actions by purchasing our products bundled with tree planting. 

LindungiHutan hopes this long-term environment revitalization will keep in tune with the kindness we receive from Sahabat Alam. And hoping our awareness of the issues around us can give our descendants a chance to enjoy how beautiful our nature is. (Intan Widianti Kartika PutriEcolify)

Ecolify is an environment conservation platform that will connect companies, communities, organizations, brands, and individuals to green Indonesia together sustainably and transparency. We are always open to collaboration to improve corporate responsibilities. So let’s green Indonesia together because earth deserves the best recovery starts from us.

Translated by Irene Angelina


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Ecolify adalah platform yang memudahkan organisasi, instansi dan perusahaan untuk menjalankan projek sosial penanaman pohon secara transparan dan berkelanjutan.

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LindungiHutan c 2020 - made with conscience "for a future worth living"